Install dashlane mac
Install dashlane mac

If you’re willing to spend a little bit of money for security, we like to recommend 1Password. There are several excellent options on the market, some with free versions, some by subscription only. The first thing to do is to pick a password manager. You only have to keep track of one password: the master password to your password manager app. Password managers allow you to create ultra-secure passwords for each and every account you own - and they do the hard work of remembering these for you. Without a password manager, most people do one of two things: They either create simplistic passwords (which are easy to hack) or they reuse passwords on multiple sites (which means hackers can access several of your accounts if one of the sites suffers a data breach). We have dozens of different accounts to manage, and each one is supposed to have a strong, unique password to keep it safe. Why is that? Because we’re all suffering from account overload.

install dashlane mac

When we interviewed data breach expert Troy Hunt, he had this to say about password managers: “Password managers are unequivocally the single best thing you can do for your security posture as a normal, everyday person”. If that describes you, now’s the perfect time to turn over a new leaf!Īnd by the way: If you have already taken these precautions, consider sending these guides to a friend or relative (or even better, sitting down with them and walking them through the process).

install dashlane mac

To do this, we’ll give you some background information on each “cybersecurity New Year’s resolution” and also walk you through the steps needed to take action.įor many people, these may be things that they’ve been putting off for a while - things that they know are important, but which they haven’t gotten around to just yet. This January, we’re going to offer you the chance to make some changes which will improve your cybersecurity posture and keep you safer all year long. Cybersecurity New Year’s Resolution #1: Get a password manager

Install dashlane mac